I have assembled a legal team at Western Australian law firm, Carter Dickens Lawyers, including a King’s Counsel, who have examined the new firearms laws (both the Act and Regulations) and have identified aspects that can be challenged in the courts.
The laws will still come fully into effect in March and will likely take another four years for the new Parliament to deal with (at least).
My fundraiser will solely be used to fund the work required to obtain the information required for individual shooters to seek legal recourse. I will use this expert legal advice to inform shooters about the options available to fight the new gun laws in the courts.
Given that I am not running against Police Minister Paul Papalia now due to opposition from key shooting organisations, I am dedicating my time and expertise to pave the way for legal action.
I am aware of another fundraiser that set out to do the same thing; however, I understand all the funds raised have now been transferred to a shooting organisation.
Be a part of my grassroots campaign to make legal action possible and support my pro-firearms lawsuit to defend our sport, hunting traditions and private property!
Yours in liberty,
Kate Fantinel - Lady Liberty
Promote the campaign by displaying a poster!: